Dmitry Chuyko

Dmitry Chuyko

Dmitry Chuyko is a performance engineer at BellSoft, which is among the top 5 contributors to OpenJDK. Before joining BellSoft, Dmitry programmed in Java, and then worked on Hotspot JVM in Oracle. After all, previous experience with Java has shown that the most interesting problems in applications get their solutions in the base platform. Currently Dmitry mostly optimizes OpenJDK for ARM64, the company even implemented its own JEP 315 on Java 11 on this topic. BellSoft releases and supports Liberica JDK – a verified distribution of OpenJDK. Liberica is available in the form of binary assemblies, installers and container images for different operating systems and processors. Therefore, now the focus of attention is the work of various versions of Java in containers on ARM and x86.

Do not put all eggs in one container

Friday, September 27 – Day 2 - 16:45 - Room 2

Containers are so good to run microservices. Even inexpensive cloud instance can run many nowadays. But why your services don’t start, work slow and die in silence? Proper diagnostic tools and newer Java clarify and vanquish that.

The challenges that developers face with microservice architecture and containerization are different from the problems in the past. Java runtime creators have to react. Even inexpensive cloud instance can be quite powerful and run a bunch of containers. So multiple JVMs compete for resources. Since Java 10, they learned how to live in peace, this work continues. You also need to choose which base image to use. OS images vary greatly in size and have their own characteristics, which must be taken into account. OpenJDK runtime assemblies from different companies are available with different functionality and size. We will see how Java 11 helps containerized application based on a popular framework.